
Tauba Auerbach was born in San Francisco, California in 1981. They live and work in New York, New York. 


“I don’t want to draw a wave, I want to ingest one, be one, or learn to better feel all the waves that I already am and have running through me, and then act from there.”


Joseph Becker introduces the practice for “S v Z”, Auerbach’s 17-year survey exhibition at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2021-2022:


“We instinctively look for reference points or makers that can help us make sense of the vastness and the intricacy of the universe or, conversely, delve deeper into the unknown. Tauba Auerbach is an artist who relishes this immense calculability and the limits of our knowledge, examining the edges as absolutes– the laws of physics and geometry, topology, mathematical theorems, and platonic concepts– that feel irreducible and perhaps also impenetrable. Their work is often a portal into these topics and acts simultaneously on both a cerebral and corporeal level. It is the interstitial spaces, the intervals between object, concept, and perception that each piece resonate. Multidimensional in itself, their practice oscillates between their interests in art and science at frequencies high enough to occasionally blue the boundaries. She folds and prods language and semiotics and engages complex concepts in craft and technique.”



